PowerShell script to disable Limited Access Lock Down mode for all Site Collections

I always like to make use of PowerShell to do stuff. When dealing with a lot of Site Collection, it is advisable to script your task than going through UI one by one to configure.

I have a requirement to take out the Limited Access Lock Down mode introduced in SharePoint 2013. A bit introduction for this feature, this feature actually BLOCK users from browsing a file (via Browser) or check-in/check-out a file (via Office Client such as Word).

limited access user permission lockdown mode

If you activate this lock down mode, SharePoint does not allow browsing of its parent and hence you will receive error when trying to edit a file via Office Client (even if you have contribute permission to the file itself!). If you are only allowing your users (usually external or someone who does not have permission to the entire web or document library) to read the file, you do not need to Deactivate this.

In my environment, its much more complicated where some users are only editable to file from other Sub Site or Site. And Content Owners always assign Individual file for other site’s user to edit. In this case, in order to allow seamless experience, I would need to make sure that this feature is Deactivated at all site collections.

I came out with this PowerShell, Short and Sweet one, to help me. Hope it helps!

[sourcecode language=”shell”]

Get-SPSite | % {
Get-SPFeature -Site $_ | ? { $_.DisplayName -eq "ViewFormPagesLockDown"} | Disable-SPFeature -Url $_.Url -Confirm:$false


P.S. Run it via SharePoint Management PowerShell. Or else you need to add in “Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell” at the start of this script.

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